Oikia Bible Institute

Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

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Pastoral Discipleship

OBI provides course assignments and texts, while the student’s local pastor or mentor serves as OBI’s on sight adjunct advisor.  In this role, the pastor/mentor provides hands-on oversight to discuss theological concepts, spiritual life, and practical ministry.  The mentor will also determine the student’s satisfactory completion and understanding of each assignment, whether by examination or mere discussion.  Herein the process of discipleship is fully activated. Once the student’s satisfactory understanding of the assignment is established by the adjunct advisor, course credit is issued.


Training for Lay Pastors

For those self-taught, lay pastors already in ministry, who appreciate the benefits a seminary level education would bring, OBI will assist in locating a local, qualified mentor to serve as faculty advisor.  If one cannot be found, OBI will provide this service (albeit, from a distance) until a local faculty advisor can be found.


Advantages of the OBI Format

Relevant: It makes quality training available to many who otherwise would not be able to pursue it; thereby providing several qualified leaders within the local church.

Convenient: Students remain in their present ministry; thereby giving them the priceless opportunity to immediately put to practice that which is being learned.

Flexible: Students determine their own schedules; thereby adapting to their environment rather than the school’s. 

Affordable: Not only is it tuition free but so too are the study material; and students do not have to relocate, thereby allowing them to retain their current means of livelihood.

Thorough: The curriculum is equivalent to a seminary level education while also providing hands-on local discipleship.