Oikia Bible Institute

Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

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Doctrinal Statement


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Adjunct Advisors

OBI employs a unique method whereby each student works closely with their local pastor or another qualified individual who serves as their adjunct advisor to provide hands-on oversight and course evaluation.  In this discipleship role, the local mentor/adjunct advisor interacts with the student on a regular basis to discuss assignments, theological concepts, spiritual life, and practical ministry skills.  It is the mentor/adjunct advisor’s responsibility to evaluate the student’s understanding of all assigned material.  Whether by written test, essay, or mere discussion, the adjunct advisor determines the student’s satisfactory completion of each course.  For those students unable to secure a local mentor/adjunct advisor, OBI will fill that role until a local mentor/adjunct advisor is found.

Qualification for local Adjunct Advisor

The qualifications for a Mentor/Adjunct Advisor are as follows:
1. One who is mature in the faith.

2. A diligent student Scripture.

3. One who has devoted much time (whether formally or informally) to the study of Systematic Theology.
4. A signed agreement with OBI’s doctrinal statement. 

Desmond Allen, PhD, ThM, MDiv, President, Oikia Bible Institute