Oikia Bible Institute

Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.


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Philosophy of Ministry

Theology is not something merely found in musty libraries; nor is it a virtually dead subject for theologians and scholars to debate.  Theology is life; it shapes our worldview.  Whether scripturally correct or incorrect, everyone views the world through the lens of their particular theology.  For this reason, every believer in Christ must be trained, at some level, in biblical theology.

Early Church leaders learned theology and ministry within the context of the local assembly, under the tutelage of the church elders.  Today, the Church is far removed from this model; and is suffering for it.  While our modern seminaries do a fine job with academia, they cannot effectively teach those ministerial skills gained only through discipleship and experience.  As important as research and academia is, we also learn through imitation and experience.

In today’s culture, prospective church leaders generally leave their communities to pursue ministerial training in distant seminaries.  At least four problems immediately present themselves in this model: 1) Only a small percentage of church leadership ever attends seminary; 2) The practical application or hands-on aspect of discipleship and ministry is generally overlooked; 3) Students generally have to vacate their current ministry and livelihood and move to a distant city; 4) Traditional seminary is expensive.   

It is the philosophy of the Oikia Bible Institute that academic theology is best learned while integrated with practical ministry.  Everything vital to effective ministry (both academically and practically) can and should be taught within the context of the local church; thus the name Oikia, the Greek term for family or household.  Oikia Bible Institute is designed to be an “in-house” training program for the ministry.  It is within the context of the local church that both academic study and practical discipleship occur.  This is where we learn to put our theology to use.  Without a solid scholastic basis one may fall prey to false teaching, and without application one’s ministry is impotent.  Therefore, our educational model is two-fold -- purposefully focused upon information processing (academics) and experiential learning (practical ministry).  

It is our belief that every church leader must be trained in both sound theology and practical ministry.  Ideally, every church, even a small congregation, will have multiple trained leaders.  It is not enough that the pastor or pastors are seminary trained.  Theology and ministry is not to be left to one or two or even a few leaders.  Paul charged Timothy to “entrust these things (i.e. these theological truths) to faithful men, who will be competent to teach others as well” (2Ti 2:2).  This task is not the responsibility of some far off seminary.  It is the responsibility of the local church; specifically, it is the responsibility of church leadership.  Oikia Bible Institute is designed to assist local church leaders in the accomplishment of this most pressing charge.