Oikia Bible Institute

Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

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Philosophy of Ministry

Course Certificates

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Course Certificates

Course Procedures

OBI employs a unique method of learning whereby each student works closely with their pastor (or another local mentor) who provides hands-on oversight.  In this discipleship role, the local mentor/adjunct advisor interacts with the student on a regular basis to discuss assignments, theological concepts, spiritual life, and practical ministry skills.  It is the mentor's responsibility to evaluate the student’s understanding and completion of all assignments -- whether by written tests, essays or mere discussion.  For those students unable to secure a local mentor, OBI will fill that role until a local mentor is found.

Semester Credit Hours

Although students may advance at their own pace, each course is allotted a specific number of semester credit hours commensurate to a timeframe deemed necessary to complete the assigned workload.  Each semester hour is equivalent to 8 hours of independent study and mentor contact.

Certificate of Biblical Studies: 36 semester hours