Oikia Bible Institute

Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

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Learn from the Best

With OBI, you’ll have access to works by many of the greatest Christian Theologians, Apologists, Historians, and Thinkers.  For example (these and many more):


Arthur W. Pink

Lewis Sperry Chaffer

Martin Luther

John Calvin

Earle Cairns

John Woolvard

AW Tozer

Donald Barnhouse

James Petigru Boyce

JC Ryle

BB Warfield
Martyn Lloyd Jones

Charles Hodge 

William Shedd

Archibald A Hodge

Robert Reymond

Robert L Dabney

Charles Hodge

Lewis Berkhof

William Shedd

J Vernon McGee

Bernard Ramm

Jonathan Edwards

John Owens

EM Bounds

Watchman Nee

Andrew Miller

HA Ironside

Charles F. Baker

Henry C. Thiessen

W.H. Griffith Thomas

Lewis Berkhof

Herman Hoeksema


John Gill

Carl F. Henry

Lehman Strauss

Josh McDowell

FF Bruce

Charles F. Baker

George Muller

Phillip Schaff

Thomas O Summers

Frank E Gaebelein

G Campbell Morgan

Wayne Grudem

John Gill

James Petigru Boyce

John Theodore Mueller

William Pope

Thomas O. Summers


Choose Your Systematic Theology

A primary feature with OBI is the study of Systematic Theology.  While there are several excellent works in Systematic Theology, all of which agree upon the dogmatic doctrines of the faith, small differences do exist in areas such as eschatology, sacraments, church polity, election, and dispensationalism, which tend to coincide with denominational boundaries.  Because OBI is a non-denominational institution, we encourage students and mentors to choose the Systematic Theology that best aligns with their denominational stance.  We provide a variety of very good works to choose from; others may be used as well, as long as they adhere to the dogmatics; but students would have to purchase them, in that OBI does not have access.