Oikia Bible Institute

Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

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Philosophy of Ministry

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Doctrinal Statement


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OBI is an independent, non-profit, non-denominational, evangelical, distance

learning program that adheres to traditional, fundamental Christian theology.

Our Mission
We seek to provide local church leadership with a free, seminary level, theological education and ministerial training. 

Our Name
The name Oikia comes from the Greek term for household or family.  The idea is that theological and ministerial training are best achieved within the context of the local church family, under the tutelage of local pastoral leadership.  Sadly, this important aspect of learning and discipleship is generally lost in the traditional Bible College and Seminary setting.  

Our Expectations
Upon the successful completion of these courses, graduates will be fully equipped to effectively exegete and teach the Word of God, and to defend the faith; thereby making them better qualified to serve as deacons, elders, and even pastors and missionaries, depending upon denominational restrictions.  And finally, graduates will be qualified and encouraged to reduplicate themselves—both academically and practically—in the lives of other faithful men and women within their perspective congregations; thereby equipping the next generation for ministry as well.

Because Oikia Bible Institute’s purpose is to provide theological and ministerial training to local church leadership, thereby training and equipping soldiers for the Lord, we have not sought, nor do we plan to seek, accreditation from any secular accrediting body, nor do we seek recognition from either the state or the federal government.