Oikia Bible Institute

Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.


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 Student’s and Student Mentor's Doctrinal Agreement

Although Oikia Bible Institute affirms a more complete doctrinal statement, students need only to agree with the following fundamental truths of the faith.

Holy Scriptures:
The Holy Scriptures, as originally given by God, are divinely inspired, infallible, entirely trustworthy, and the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.

There is one true and living God; one in essence, existing as three eternal persons who are revealed to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, equal in every divine perfection, yet executing distinct but harmonious offices.

Jesus Christ:
Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary.  He is One Person possessing two natures and thus is true God and true man.  He lived a sinless life and gave Himself as a perfect substitutionary sacrifice for the sins of all humanity.  He arose bodily from the grave, ascended into Heaven where He is seated on the right hand of God interceding for His people and will return to the Earth in keeping with His promises.

Holy Spirit:
The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Triune Godhead.  He has been and will continue to be active throughout eternity.  In gracious dealing with humanity, He has inspired the writing of the Scriptures.  He is in the world today convincing of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment.  He is calling out a people for God among the Jews and Gentiles.  He regenerates those who believe, places them into the Body of Christ, indwells them and produces in them the fruit of the Spirit.  He calls individuals to Christian service and empowers and directs them in that service.

Human beings, male and female, were originally created in the image and after the likeness of God.  Through uncoerced disobedience Adam fell from his original state, became totally depraved in nature, was separated from God and came under condemnation and the sentence of death; that because of the unity of the human race and the natural headship of Adam, all humans (Jesus Christ only excepted) are born with sin natures and have come under the same consequences of sin.

Salvation: Salvation is all of grace through the substitutionary work of Jesus Christ Who paid the full redemptive price and fully satisfied God’s righteous demands by suffering the death penalty for humanity’s guilt, and that He imputes His righteousness, thus reconciling sinners to God.  Salvation is made effective only upon the exercise of personal faith in Jesus Christ, which faith is not a meritorious work but possible only by the grace of God.  Salvation includes justification, regeneration, adoption into the family of God, sanctification (positional, progressive, and final) and glorification.  One who is truly born again will be preserved by divine grace, being kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation.

Every saved person is positionally in Christ, completely set apart for God; that in experience the saved person retains a sin nature, which is not eradicated in this life, and thus a believer’s present state is no more perfect than daily experience.  There is a progressive sanctification wherein the saved person is to grow in grace and into Christlikeness by the unhindered power of the Holy Spirit.  When Christ appears the saved person will be fully sanctified, with personal state conforming to positional standing.

The Church:
The Church, also called Christ’s body, is composed of all true believers from Pentecost till Jesus appears to receive this Church.  Upon His return to gather this Church, the Church will be complete.  Both the living and the dead will be caught up and transformed from terrestrial to celestial bodies, to be united with Christ as His Bride never to be separated from Him.